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Vaya, ha ocurrido un error y tu solicitud no se ha podido enviar correctamente, inténtalo de nuevo más tarde. Gracias
The CLIENT, when making the reservation, agrees to:
  • Pay in full the amounts agreed under the terms of the contract for the provision of services to be signed on the day of the handover of keys.
  • Pay a deposit of SEVEN HUNDRED EUROS (700,00.-€), on the day of the event, at the time of handing over the keys, either in cash, by bizum or card. The deposit will be returned by Sala Baccum, hereinafter to be referred to as the OWNER, by the same method of payment, within a maximum period of 72 hours, after having verified its condition, the owner has the right to retain it and deduct the amount required to cover any obligation that may be demanded of the CLIENT.
  • Comply with and respect, at all times, the obligations arising from the reservation and use of the Baccum Room, and the guidelines for use that you will receive, in situ, when you enter the premises.
  • Immediately inform the OWNER of any breakdown, damage and/or defect that arises.
  • To be responsible for what they and their guests do inside the premises, being liable for the cost of repair or replacement, should they cause any damage to furniture, electrical appliances, crockery, etc.
  • Respect the community and neighbours at all times and to keep music, television or sound equipment below 30 decibels in volume from midnight onwards.
  • Respect departure times in order to prepare the premises for the next users and when leaving the premises, turn off lights and close doors.
  • To operate the Baccum Room television-mirror using only the controls and not to do so manually under any circumstances.
  • Do not smoke tobacco, or consume narcotic substances or any kind of drugs inside the premises, nor allow persons under 18 years of age to consume alcoholic beverages.
  • Not to carry out in the Baccum Room any activity other than that initially foreseen; nor any illicit, disruptive, unhealthy, harmful and/or dangerous activities; as well as not to have or handle in the premises, explosive, inflammable, illicit, unhealthy, harmful and/or dangerous materials, except those expressly permitted by the OWNER.
  • In case of cancellation or modification of the booking, please notify us at least 7 days in advance (a 10% administration fee will be charged). Failure to comply with this requirement will result in the loss of the reservation.
The CUSTOMER agrees that the following actions are not permitted:
  • Bring animals to Sala Baccum
  • Taking out of the premises into the street any of the equipment, furniture and machinery, and especially glasses, food, or drink; as well as eating or drinking in the street.
  • To remove from the wall or ceiling any element of the premises; to force any element or break, partially or totally, any of the elements of the premises, as well as walls, ceilings, floors or coverings.
  • The formalisation of the reservation implies the acceptance by the client of the general conditions set out herein.
  • With regard to Covid-19, or other situations in which the authorities issue special regulations for reasons of pandemics or epidemics, the CUSTOMER undertakes to use personal protection and hygiene equipment, so that all its users comply with the regulations in force at all times.

The CLIENT declares that he/she has read and understood these general conditions and expressly accepts them.